1. Drink as much water as you can.
2. When you eat, think about every bite.
3. Don't be afraid to be near food.
4. If you are served a plate, leave most of it untouched and only eat a little.
5. Never eat alone, those are wasted calories.
6. Don't act nervous or uncomfortable if someone talks about weight in front of you.
7. Give dummy dieting tips if the topic of diets comes up.
8. Eat salad first, without dressing, then say you feel full and don't want more.
9. Vegan foods often have less calorie dense ingredients. Be vegan.
10. Watch shows like Secret Eaters and Supersize Vs. Superskinny when you are bored.
11. Make a list of 100 things to do besides eat.
12. Go to sleep early. Get at least 9 hours of sleep.
13. Set a time you will stop eating at night and one you won't eat before in the morning.
14. Consider the time between meals to be like fasting time. Nothing enters your mouth, not the tiniest bite.
15. Wait at least 15 seconds between bites.
16. Start drinking tea or coffee (black is better but with milk is okay).
17. If you take birth control, do it in the morning and tell co-workers or friends it makes your stomach weird so you don't eat breakfast.
18. Make a Memo on your phone of tips, thinspo quotes, and even thinspo pics to look through and add to when you're bored.
19. Download phone/iPod/tablet games to play and distract you.
20. Never be free. When you are always busy, you don't notice hunger.
21. Take plenty of time to plan out your meals, even for three or more days ahead of time.
22. Have clothes which are a few sizes too small to try on and see where you are losing your weight.
23. When exercising, avoid boring, repetitive routines. You burn more calories if you have to be aware of what you're doing instead of mindlessly doing the same movement.
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