Monday, January 16, 2017

Hello 2017

Every New Year, pro ana sites have an insane influx of resolutioners looking for quick tips to lose weight. It's not your fault, everyone has goals and everyone takes a hit to the self esteem when they realize its a new year and they're stuck in the same old body. That being said, developing an eating disorder should not be on anyone's list of resolutions. Before you hope onto and start asking around for an Ana Couch, learn a little about what you want and how to get there.

Most people want to be the type of "thin" that they see plastered across instagram's fitness or fitspo blogs; aka nice ass, tiny waist, perky little boobs and a thigh gap. I'm not going to declare this as the vision of beauty, but it is for many teens and young adults who find their way to pro ana blogs. This goal is a good one, but not an easily achievable one. This is not the body which is acheived by starvation diets. If you wish for such a body, here are my tips:
1) Get a book on nutrition, preferably one written by a doctor or someone with a degree in health sciences. Educate yourself on portions, macros, the process of digestion and what food really does to your body.
2) Begin an exercise regime. You don't need to buy a gym membership or exercise equipment or train for a marathon, but exercise is what shapes the body with weight loss. Exercise gives you the right kind of curves, as well as improving your physical and mental health.
3) Leave this blog once you've learned what you could. This, and other pro ana or ED related sites are not a healthy mind space. They will bring your self-esteem down, give you bad ideas, and there is always the risk of setting off disordered eating. You won't become anorexic by looking at them, and that should not be your goal.
4) Start developing happy, healthy habits. Walking instead of driving when you can, choosing more nutritious foods over what you like, and being positive about your body and mind are good ways to start. If you aren't happy now, losing weight alone WILL NOT MAKE YOU HAPPY. Happiness is a skill. Happiness is a full time responsibility. Thin ≠ Happy. Healthy=Happy.

If you are not part of this fad of New Years resolutions and lazy people who don't want to work for their body, you've probably been experiencing some major annoyances. Sweaty people on your gym equipment, longer lines at health food stores, a short stock of diet pills, etc. You're probably about half way done shedding your holiday pounds though, because you've really only gained a quarter of what everyone else does. Or you're attempting to quit purging or laxatives. Or you have some sort of "No More Bullshit" resolution because this isn't your first rodeo, but it won't be your last.

So Hello 2017. Scream it to the world. Yell it to your scale, your notebooks, your pill bottles, your binge foods. It's a new year! It won't be new for long. Every 7 years the body has completely rebuilt itself, replaced every live cell. If you're still in the same habits of 2010, you've got a long ways to go. Everything can change. Everyone can change themselves, their routines, their bodies. It starts with a single decision.

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